Other Scholars Doing Related Works

Theodore W. “Ted” Frick

Professor Emeritus, Department of Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University.

Frick’s website is devoted to his elaborations on “Educology,” his framework for the field of pedagogy. It represents his effort to ground the discourse on teaching-learning on a rigorous base of logic and to develop constructs based on systems theory. He proposes his own basic constructs and definitions for the basic elements of education.

William G. “Bill” Huitt

Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology and Counseling, Valdosta State University.

Huitt’s website is devoted to his wide-ranging interests within Educational Psychology, spanning his long career. This website is a gold mine of links to works in educational psychology, many relevant to the Molenda-Subramony Framework and many relevant to other issues in teaching and learning.

One portion is devoted to the construction of a systemic verbal-visual conceptual framework for instruction. It follows the same principles as the Molenda-Subramony Framework but does not approach the same level of comprehensiveness.

M. David “Dave” Merrill

Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University.

Merrill’s textbook, First Principles of Instruction, proposes some basic constructs and definitions for the basic elements of instruction. His website contains a bibliography of his publications, arranged according to the major topic he has pursued during his career, including those leading to the First Principles textbook.

Charles Reigeluth

Professor Emeritus, Department of Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University.

The third volume of Reigeluth’s series on Instructional-Design Theories and Models (Reigeluth and Carr-Chellman, 2009) is devoted to “building a common knowledge base” for the field of instructional design. That volume includes some attempts at outlining and defining basic constructs in the field of instructional design. His website is devoted mainly to his special interests—paradigm change in education and the ways and means of transforming schools to achieve the vision of the new paradigm. However, publications more relevant to The Elements of Instruction can also be found there.

Rune Pettersson

Professor, Information Design, Mälardalen University, Sweden; and Appalachian State University, USA.

Dr. Pettersson held leadership positions in scholarly associations, such as the International Visual Literacy Association, until his retirement in 2009. He had previously worked in publishing, R&D, and teaching. He has been conducting research on visual learning since the 1980s and has continued to disseminate his findings, most recently in a series of e-books, including Using Images, Image Design, Text Design, and ID Theories. His work on visual learning complements the discussion in Chapter 3 on how humans perceive and use images.

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